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What Other's Are Saying About Platform Independent Enterprise Software

If we can't convince you of the viability of PIES over traditional client/server technologies then please consider what others are saying.

Quoting Reed Taussig from his October 16th article, "Why client/server software giants will die out" on

"So the question becomes this: As these client/server based companies fade, what will take their place? The answer can be found in the emergence of Internet-enabled systems being developed by a generation of newer, smaller, more agile, what might be called "business performance systems" companies. These differ from their client/server predecessors in that they are developing specialized, industry and solution-specific applications rather than giant omnibus programs that often take years and millions of dollars to implement. These new companies offer easy and quickly installed solutions for particular problems. They feature products that are easy to use, including an ability to be hosted off-site or easily downloaded onto a company's existing computer systems. Instead of taking years to get up and running, they can be brought online in weeks or months."

Flamingo Internet Navigators is one of those new companies emerging with the technology to dramatically change the way you do business and dramatically reduce your expenditures. Contact us today to discuss the success we have brought to other businesses and to see exactly how your company can start benefitting from this technology today.

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